Thursday, February 2, 2012

Packing Peanuts Mush

Last week or so, Guada and Maria did this crazy activity that the children have been asking for ever since.  When I was finally able to witness the activity live (versus through the photos they had taken of the first round), I realized why the kids had so much fun.  I won't over explain it as I always do...just try it.  All you need is packing peanuts (you know which kind I mean...the kind that melt), water, something to stir with and little containers.

Eventually, inevitably, the children began doing their own refills of liquid water colors (I used red and white in the tune of Valentine's Day) and fetching pitchers of water from the bathroom.

We had to intervene (only because we were inside) when they began pouring the glumpy solution straight onto the cleaning rags.  I think they got the fullest possible experience from this activity.

It all ended up in one glorious pitcher of pink mush.  The children would only allow us to clean up this activity with the promise of getting to do it again (that will be tomorrow, haha).

(I double-dog-dare you to challenge me as to how this open-ended, play-based, child-led activity is beneficial to children's development!!!)

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